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Common and proper nouns

Common nouns

are words given to a category of person, place or thing. They don't need a capital letter.

Proper nouns

are the names given to a person, a place or a thing. They begin with a capital letter.

For example:

What are common nouns?

Common nouns are the words given to a category of person, place or thing and don't need a capital letter. Click on each category below to see some examples.

What are proper nouns?

Proper nouns are the words given to a category of person, and begin with a capital letter. Click on each category below to see some examples.


Common nouns begin with a small letter. They often make sense with the word 'the' in front.

For example:
A mouse ran away from the cat.
The child found a football in the bushes.

Proper nouns begin with a capital letter even when they are not the first word in a sentence. They can't usually have the word 'the' in front of them.

For example:
Kersti was born in October.
Alex bought a new wheel from Speedy Bikes.

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